Roman enjoys tummy time, at least more than Elena did at this age. He's almost always willing to give it a try for a few minutes, and once or twice it helped to calm him down when he was fussing. He does quite well lifting up his head, which is a key metric for tummy time performance that shows up on most lists of infant milestones. Not long ago he was enjoying some tummy time, looking all around, when all of a sudden he pushed his legs in just the right way and rolled over onto his back like it was nothing. It was only a one-off performance, but we didn't expect him to do it at all for another two or three months.
I wasn't able to attend the one-month well baby checkup, but everything went well. Elena behaved very well, and created some beautiful art for me to examine when I came home from work. Roman is gaining weight at a good rate, his bilirubin levels (for jaundice) are dropping quickly, and he handled his shots like a champ. His schedule is stabilizing to the point where we can start to think about having a schedule. All in all, it seems like we're getting things under control. I can't take any of the credit--this is all Jenny and Roman's doing, with a lot of help from Elena.