Moonbeam isn't here yet. We can only hope that he isn't hanging on until he's at least as big as Elena was. We already know that he won't be as late as she was early, because at our last appointment the doctor scheduled Jenny to be induced a week from today.
There's also the possibility that Moonbeam will come on his own before next week. However, at Jenny's most recent appointment the doctor told us there hadn't been much progress since the week before. Apparently Jenny's body is not ready to let him go, or he doesn't want to leave the cozy confines of his mother's womb. It could be that he wants to come out but doesn't know how; he's still kicking and pushing like he wants to come out through the belly button. At this late stage of pregnancy he should be moving less because of the lack of room, but Jenny reports that his kicks are still getting stronger and more painful.
Every pregnancy is different, but it's hard to avoid comparisons--especially when things happen differently than they did last time, all the more so when we think it was better before. But now we're in entirely uncharted territory. Not only that, but there were things that weren't so smooth before. Even though she's almost always uncomfortable and isn't sleeping well, Jenny hasn't had to repeat some of the hardest trials: rashes, gall bladder issues, and sore swollen feet. The labor and delivery was also extremely intense and difficult; we'll find out soon enough how this one will be.